Surefire Recovery Inc debt collectionSurefire Recovery Inc Debt Collection

P.O. Box 500178 • San Diego, CA • 858-618-2650

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P.O.Box 500178
San Diego, CA

16776 Bernardo Center Dr.
Suite 212
San Diego, CA

Phone: 858-618-2650
Fax: 858-618-2651 or

SureFire Recovery, Inc.
Collections Division

ACCOUNTS FOR COLLECTION at S.R.I. range in value from $10.00 to $10,000.00 and more. The majority of balances are between $100.00 and $1,000.00, and average four to six months since the last delinquency. All validated accounts are acceptable for collection; no balance is too high or too low. Even the smallest assigned amount gets persistent attention.

CREDIT BUREAUS: 45-days after the date of assignment, S.R.I. reports all assignments with a balance of $50.00 or greater to the FOUR major credit bureaus, EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN, TRANS-UNION and INNOVIS Credit Information Services. All listings remain public record for up to 7 years. We regularly report all payment information to the bureaus, and update balances.

OUR STANDARD AGREEMENT with our clients is a practiced procedure of services with a track record of proven success. Our agreement is flexible enough to allow the inclusion of specialized procedures for any clients’ particular needs. All procedures in our agreement are automatically made available as a part of the total service package we provide, at the same low percentage rate. The client must make our staff aware of any and all particular conditions specific to their business prior to preparation of the collection agreement. We set up the client’s account parameters whenever possible in exact accordance with our client’s wishes, and offer our suggestions for enhancements. Any change to a completed agreement is done by written Amendment.

FEES: Our fees and collection percentages are negotiated individually for each client office, fully disclosed and pre-approved by Collection Agreement prior to any assignment being made to our offices. Unpredictable fees and costs during collections might include charges for additional procedures such as Investigation, extensive Skip Tracing, any Legal Process, or Repossessions, etc., where outside subscription, membership or service companies become involved. We welcome you to speak with our Management personnel in regard to your particular needs.

Many of our medical clientele have made a provision in the patient information and liability sheet requiring signature, for costs of collection to be added to the amount due should it become delinquent. Most HOA CC&R’S make provision for costs of collecting any delinquent assessment to be added to the unpaid amount due and collected at the same time. This provision helps our office make our clients whole with every collection we generate, as long as the debtor has signed their understanding and liability to pay the collection costs.

SYSTEMS: S.R.I. utilizes state-of-the-art DEBTMASTER Collection Software, rated one of the best in the industry. We are continually upgrading our capabilities as new systems and programs become available. S.R.I. has organized its collection format to comply with METRO II Credit reporting requirements for accuracy and privacy, and the guidelines of the FCRPA, Federal Credit Reporting Practices Act.

For ease of use, our office can accommodate a variety of methods for assigning accounts into our system such as: Excel™ Spreadsheet, CD-RW disc, E-mail, Fax, ZIP Drive or just hand written will do nicely, for which we will supply pre-printed assignment cover sheets. Our intent is to make the assignment process as seamless as possible and a convenience rather than a burden to our clientele.

Assignments are processed the same day they are received and we send our clients printed acknowledgements for each batch. As required by the FDCPA, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, S.R.I. notifies each individual account with a phone call and in writing within 48 hours of the placement of the account file in our office, then allows the 30 day “cooling off” period before proceeding with full and active collection.

All assignments receive up to six automatic FDCPA compliant monthly letters, additional on-request letters, and scheduled collector phone calls all as part of our basic collection service.

STAFF: S.R.I. hires only experienced collectors, and provides all new employees a pre-recorded FDCPA training lesson to insure compliance to the laws during business conversations. One of our goals beyond collections is to assure all assigned debtors be treated by our staff with proper courtesy and professionalism at all times during the collection process. New staff members are trained as needed to perform in compliance with the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) medical guidelines.

PROCESS: Regardless of the size of the balance due, S.R.I. does more than just send out a series of FDCPA compliant form letters. Our front line collectors follow up with phone contact on a scheduled basis. The accounts will be worked by computer scheduling, and audits from assignment inventories until any possible resolution can be reached.

S.R.I. can supply an on-request inventory of all accounts assigned by each client, which includes coded activity reports on each account for a quick review of collection progress. Our clients’ receive our collection statement with a check representing collection recovery for that period.

Within 24 hours of assignment, all new assignments are automatically internet screened with ACCOLADE for the newest available addresses through a membership only division of the Postal Service, and through BANKO for new bankruptcy filings and Death Certificates filed within the past two years. Continued search methods employ PROPERTY SEARCHES through subscriber Title Company archive records, and Department of Real Estate listing directories.

COLLECTION PAYMENTS: S.R.I. accepts incoming payments by MasterCard®, Visa®, Discover Card®, Debit Cards, Checks, Money Orders or Cashiers Checks. S.R.I. can receive direct deposit payments from authorized debtor accounts with signature authorizations, and can accept secure Webmaster™ internet payments through our web site link.

S.R.I. will be happy to discuss your particular needs and consider any customization our contract might require to meet your specializations or specifications.

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How to begin the collection process