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Sample Collection Agreement |
Single Assignment Sheet |
Direct Payment Report |
SureFire Recovery, Inc.
How to begin the collection processA copy of our standard assignment sheet is available on this site for download. This form outlines essential information we need to begin work.
Once collection terms and procedures are agreed to and the Collection Agreement is signed, all that remains is to provide our office with the accounts to be collected. By State and Federal law and FDCPA and FCRPA regulations, each account considered to be a valid collection assignment must be accompanied by accurate paperwork showing all amounts and services rendered. Should any assigned individual request a copy of the original paperwork proving liability, we are obligated by FDCPA regulations, California and Federal Laws to provide such proof or cancel the account as uncollectible.
For each new assignment, S.R.I. will require as much of the following information regarding each assignment which may be available:
- Copy of the original Itemized Statement, Invoice, Signed Contract or Retainer for each assignment showing a breakdown of services and charges.
- Copy of every signature which is available
- Copy of any Judgment or Bad Check in your possession
- Copy of any Drivers License, Retail Application, Information Sheet, or other document rendering assignment validity
- Copy of the HOA CC&R’S, specifically the provision pages describing the addition of costs of collecting to any unpaid assessments.
- We need DATES of specific itemized SERVICES RENDERED, and dates of LAST SERVICE; LATEST PAYMENT, if any; and, FIRST DELINQUENCY
After the assignment has been accepted by our office, we will handle the matter in its entirety. The Client need do nothing else unless we contact them for special circumstances in accordance with our Collection Agreement terms, or the debtor contacts them in regard to any dispute or to make a payment following our contacting them.
DIRECT PAYMENTS: i.e.: ‘payments made directly to our clients office following assignment to our collection and our contact with the assigned individual:’
Should payment from the assigned debtor or any other source be received directly in our client’s office after the date of assignment, we request the client advise our office of the payment by phone or by fax, using our DIRECT PAYMENT forms to properly credit the account and correctly bill the statement. After the date of assignment, it is automatically assumed that S.R.I. has generated that payment by letters or phone calls and interaction with the account debtor or other financial sources.
It is our experience that the debtor may not admit or discuss the fact they have already spoken with us concerning the payment, and in many cases when asked, will deny such contact.
Should any assigned debtor contact our client in advance of sending a payment, we request our client’s cooperation to refer the individual back to us, or contact our office before accepting any payment to verify the final amount remaining due. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE BEFORE ACCEPTING ANY PAYMENT IN FULL, FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT WE SHOW IS DUE. We will probably have additional collection costs and interest which must be collected at the same time.
For the most satisfactory and successful results, we encourage our clientele to regularly assign delinquencies after specified time limits allowing for insurance or other source funding’s to run their course. The older any unpaid account becomes, the more time consuming, difficult, and expensive it becomes to enforce payment. The California Statute of Limitations is 4 years from the date of last service actually performed on the delinquent account. Upon the expiration of that 4 year cutoff date, all work on that account must stop and nothing further can be done.
Please call S.R.I. and ask for our management personnel, so we may discuss your specific needs and answer your questions!